09 February 2012

Welcome to Buddha at My Table!

This blog is still under construction but we hope to be up and running soon (circa March 2012)

In the next few months I will begin to explore the Buddhist ideas of attachment, mindfulness, karma, gratefulness, interdependence, fasting, generosity, commitments, and more in the context of food and eating to see how these ideas might change my relationship with food. I will also visit with a few Buddhist teachers, and hopefully build a supportive community to explore these ideas. I welcome your comments, questions, corrections and additions. I am not a Buddhist scholar, rather I am a working partner and mother, a student of Buddhism, and a lover of good food, on a journey of discovery which I hope you will take with me. Everything I have learned and will discover has come from the great minds before me. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!


  1. Can't wait for the journey to begin. It sounds wonderful. I looks forward to sharing these discoveries with you. x
